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There are three basic components to exercise and fitness. Imagine a triangle--all three sides are essential to each other. Take one side out and the shape doesn't exist. Exercise and fitness are the same; all three fundamentals are essential to reaching your exercise and fitness goals. The three components are: Cardiovascular Activity, Strength & Resistance Training, and Flexibility. 


Cardiovascular Activity


Flexible blood vessels--like hoses--can transport fluid better. If you don’t train your cardiovascular system, your vessels will become stiff and you will feel out of breath. Training  will lead to increased lung capacity, better oxygen intake, and more energy!


To figure out your resting heart rate (RHR), count how many times your heart beats in 60 seconds. The average, healthy adult heart beats approximately 65-75 times per minute.


It is simple to strengthen your cardiac (heart) muscle! 

  • Elevate your heart rate to about 60-85% of your maximum heart rate for 20-30 minutes (not including warm up or cool down), 3-5 times per week

  • For general health purposes, use the following formula:

       (220 – age)  x  target heart rate percentage


Strength & Resistance Training


Lean muscle tissue is essential for general movement and increasing metabolism. Every pound of lean body tissue burns about 10-13 calories per day, which is how muscle increases metabolism. 

Train large muscle groups first: legs, back, chest, and abs. Follow, every 2-3 days, with smaller muscle groups: arms and calves. Control the weight and slowly move your joints through a full range of motion. For general fitness, select a resistance level that is light enough to move at least 10-12 times (repetitions). If it is too heavy to complete 12 reps, decrease the weight. If you can do 15-20, take your weights to a higher level.




You can only strengthen your muscles as far as you can move them; this is commonly called your "range of motion."  With decreased use, muscles move less and become tighter. It is essential to practice moving your joints through their full range of motion. This keeps them long, lean and useful. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds, toward the end of the range of motion. Remember, it is best to stretch a warm muscle than a cool one. 


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